149 Steps to Marketing Perfection. What’s your score?

What Esther Bruhl Learned Outside Of Her University Degree


Speech Therapist Turned Business Woman

We have a member named Esther Bruhl who has dedicated 30 years of her life as a Speech Therapist. She has worked with both children and with adults. According to her; “When you go through the speech pathology course, you are a technician or a therapist.” In the old model of education, when you get a degree in the university, you come out as a Therapist. But they won’t teach you how to be a business person. They do not include in the training as a speech therapist how to run a business. Esther admitted that she knew nothing about marketing; she knew nothing about all the technology. They needed to relearn and do a whole lot of stuff. Including changing their website

Having Her Own Blueprint in Her Business

A friend of hers introduced Business Blueprint. And she went “Yep, this one’s gonna teach me what I need.” What attracted her to the program was the hundreds of videos because it will teach its members a whole lot of things.


149 Steps to Marketing Perfection. What’s your score?

Marketing 101 at Its Best

Previously, she didn’t have any active marketing at all. She didn’t even understand how to do email marketing. But when she implemented what she learned from Business Blueprint, it has greatly increased her sales. She has learned how to get an email marketing system so that she can segment their groups. Then she would also know who’s bought and who hasn’t, then market to them differently. Which has helped improve their ads on Google AdWords.

Go Digital!

Esther now has a new website! They’ve moved it over to an open source platform, so it can be more flexible with changes. They’ve learned more about Facebook and Facebook marketing. The postings are also scheduled very practically. She had to put the social media posts in a scheduled form so that she can keep track of her progress. What’s more interesting is that she learned how to personally make videos. Although at first it was uncomfortable, in the end, it gave her audience a personal touch.

In Networking and Making Alliances

Following the Blueprint program made her learn more about her clients, so there’s more interaction with them. It has widened the scope of who they’d target in their promotions. They’re selling more of their accent production programs. With this, Esther just started learning about making alliances with other businesses. She can see herself more as a business person now.


149 Steps to Marketing Perfection. What’s your score?

She recommends the Business Blueprint program to anybody who is in business of any size or wants to start a business, and wants to go to the next level. With Business Blueprint, she can see the future of her business is getting bigger.

If you are like Esther and know that with a bit of hard work and the right direction you can achieve great heights then click here now to register for the next ’52 Ways’ workshop.