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Why Christmas Is The Best Time Of Year For Your Business

Jingle all the way … your business doesn’t have to grind to a halt just because it’s Christmas.

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Students and office workers delight in the Christmas break – but for small business it can be a nightmare time when suppliers shutdown and business is at its lowest for the year.

The silly season can really get in the way of profits – but just because sales have slowed doesn’t mean you have to sit around twiddling your thumbs. Here are some helpful tips on how to stay productive during the quiet times:

1. Take stock and redefine your goals

A lot of businesses view Christmas as the halfway mark on the financial year. It’s a good opportunity to assess how you have been travelling over the past six months, check out what has worked and find out what hasn’t delivered return on investment.


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Take a look at your overall strategy and see where you can make tweaks and changes to get you to a better point come the financial new year.

2. Play Santa

Tis the season for discounts and deals. Shoppers are getting ready for Christmas and you need to make sure your voice stands out.

Make sure that you’re (legally) acquiring the details of every new customer you gain so that you can add them to your marketing database.

3. Send season’s greetings

You don’t need a huge stack of stamps and envelopes to send a Christmas message to your clients and customers.

Design a gorgeous and friendly e-card and send it out to your database to remind your customers to call on you in 2016. Include a special offer to give them extra incentive.

4. Book next year’s business

Finding it quiet between Christmas and Australia Day? Call your best clients and find out if there’s any way you can help them get a head start on the new year. Come up with a couple of ideas that will let you (and them) hit the ground running when things pick up again.


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5. Tick off your to-do list

Now’s the time to finally get to all the tasks that you have been putting off. As a Christmas present to yourself, make those appointments and answer the emails that have been waiting patiently for months. It will feel good to have a fresh start with less on your plate when 2016 kicks off.

6. Buy yourself a present

Give yourself the gift of education. Book into a seminar, download a book or register for an online course that will give you the tools to grow your business in 2016. As they say – knowledge is power! And the more you learn, the more you earn.

7. Let your hair down

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

It also makes Jack much less productive. Make sure you step away from it all for at least a couple of days during the holiday period. It’s important to recharge so that you can face the new year feeling refreshed and ready for action.

Do you agree that Christmas could be the best time of the year for your business? Please tell us your thoughts below in the comments section.