Live Webinar
Dale Beaumont
10 Amazing New ‘Tech Tools’ and Live Demos of Exactly How to Use Them
Did you know there are over 30 new technology tools released into the market every day? That’s over 900 every month! So how do you possibly stay up to date and how do you know which tools are even relevant for your growing business? All you need is access to Dale Beaumont. Join us for this awesome webinar as Dale shares with you “10 Amazing New ‘Tech Tools’ and Live Demos of Exactly How to Use Them”.
By attending this powerful and mind-expanding webinar you’ll learn:
- An amazing tool that helps you copy the world’s best websites
- How to spy on your competitors & know what Ads they’re running
- How to double your incoming leads from Facebook & Instagram
- 3 tools that make creating marketing videos fast, easy & simple
- A free tool that analyses your website for SEO in two clicks
- A great mobile app that makes getting customer feedback easy
- 2 tools that help you dramatically boost your personal productivity
- A site that allows you to download Employee Manuals for free
Live Webinar
Dale Beaumont
How to Create & Grow a Powerful Brand So One-Day It’s Worth Millions
As your business grows in size and scale, your “Brand” becomes one of your most valuable assets. But what is a brand exactly, how do you discover what it should be and how do you craft it for commercial success? To answer these questions and a whole lot more, join Dale Beaumont for this important and power-packed Masterclass. This content is essential for every current and aspiring entrepreneur and should not be missed.
By attending this powerful and mind-expanding webinar you’ll learn:
- 5 reasons why your Brand is one of your most valuable assets
- What is a Brand exactly and why it’s way more than just a logo
- What are the steps to start and build a new Brand from scratch
- What are Brand Personalities and how to discover what yours is
- If you have an existing Brand, how to successfully refresh it
- Understanding the power of Colours and what they mean for you
- How to choose the right Fonts to ensure that you stay On-Brand
- 3 examples of how companies built multi-million dollar Brands
Live Webinar
Dale Beaumont
How to Use Breakthrough Software to Make Business Videos in Under 5 Minutes
Every business now needs quality video content and lots of it. You need it on your website, inside blog posts, in your social media, on YouTube and for running Facebook Ads. So what is the fastest and easiest way to create lots of video content? The answer is ‘Click Video’. In short, it’s a breakthrough software application that can literally make videos for you, within minutes.
By attending this powerful and mind-expanding webinar you’ll learn:
- Why over 65% of all internet traffic now comes via online video
- How to use the power of video to rank on the first page of Google
- What are the 4 types of videos that you need for your business
- What is ‘Click Video’ and why it’s such a breakthrough for video
- How to turn any web page or article in a video in under 5 minutes
- How to convert all past and future blog posts into videos as well
- Why it pays to upload all of your newly created videos to YouTube
- How to use Click Video to make thousands of dollars in extra profit
Live Webinar
Paul Siderovski
11 Ways to Significantly Reduce Your Tax LEGALLY Before June 30
The vast majority of business owners lose half of the profits they make to tax. While we agree paying tax is important, you should know there are many legal means can help you reduce this amount significantly. This way you can retain more of the money that you make so you can either reinvest back into your business to grow faster, or you can take those funds and put them into investments.
By attending this powerful and mind-expanding webinar you’ll learn:
- Why tax is your biggest business expense and how to manage it
- What’s the best business structure to pay the least tax legally
- The two different types of trusts and which is right for you
- How to legally utilise your family and kids to pay less tax
- What is the ‘Simplified Tax System’ and why you should use it
- When should you write off obsolete or slow-moving business stock
- How to understand and also better manage ‘Fringe Benefits Tax’
- How and when to utilise the benefits offered via superannuation
Live Webinar
Brian Chapman
The 7 Things I Did to Go From Zero to $3,000,000 Per Year Online
Just over three short years ago, Brian Chapman was a successful photographer. Only there was one big problem – when he stopped working he made NO MONEY. Realising he wanted more, Brian decided to change tack and start an E-Commerce business. Within 7 months, he had made his first million and with the next 4 months, another million. Now, Brian makes $3,000,000 per year online and for the first time ever, he is going to share some of his biggest success secrets with you.
By attending this powerful and mind-expanding webinar you’ll learn:
- The funny story that led Brian to find the Power Planter product
- How Brian negotiated exclusive distribution rights for the product
- Why Brian choose not to sell in stores but rather direct online
- How did Brian create his website using the Shopify platform
- What did Brian do to start making sales without an existing database
- How Brian made over $1,000,000 in online sales in under 7-months
- Brian’s 3 biggest tips for running high-profit ads on Facebook
- And finally, how Brian made his next $1,000,000 in under 3-months
Live Webinar
Paul Siderovski
How to Restructure Your Business to LEGALLY Reduce Tax
It’s important to know that the way you structure your business is critical. Why? Because as your business starts to grow bigger, it will greatly affect the amount of tax you need to pay and also your structure will be what saves you from financial ruin in the case you are ever sued. This is why you must attend this webinar. It covers very important information that is essential for every business owner and entrepreneur.
By attending this powerful and mind-expanding webinar you’ll learn:
- Exactly what we meant by a ‘business structure’ and why it matters
- What are the consequences if you fail to structure things correctly
- What is the best ‘business structure’ and what it looks like
- What is a Trust and what are the two main types of Trusts
- What is the cost of setting up the right business structure
- How do you transfer your business assets into your new structure
- What to do if your current accountant doesn’t understand Trusts
- And finally, how to ensure your structure protects your assets
Live Webinar
Dale Beaumont
How to Start Planning for 2020 Now And Make It Your Best Year Ever
If you want to grow a highly successful business, then learning how to plan your year and manage your time is key. In the super important webinar, Dale Beaumont is going to reveal to you the exact step-by-step system that he uses to plan his year – both personally and professionally. PLEASE NOTE: If you have a life or business partner, for maximum benefit, it’s highly recommended to have them join you for this training.
By attending this powerful and mind-expanding webinar you’ll learn:
- The difference in thinking between poor and rich business owners
- Why it pays to begin planning for 2020 two or three months before
- What is the number one time management principle of all time
- Why you should plan your personal life ahead of your business
- How to apply the Rocks, Pebbles and Sand principle to business
- A method for discovering what are your businesses big rocks
- How to uncover your pebbles and how to add them to your year
- What makes up the sand of your business and how to plan for it
- And finally, three quotes to help you have your best year ever