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Paul Siderovski
Tuesday, 14 May 2019
7:00pm – 8:30pm [Sydney Time]
11 Ways to Significantly Reduce Your Tax LEGALLY Before June 30
The vast majority of business owners lose half of the profits they make to tax. While we agree paying tax is important, you should know there are many legal means can help you reduce this amount significantly. This way you can retain more of the money that you make so you can either reinvest back into your business to grow faster, or you can take those funds and put them into investments.
By attending this powerful and mind-expanding webinar you’ll learn:
- Why tax is your biggest business expense and how to manage it
- What’s the best business structure to pay the least tax legally
- The two different types of trusts and which is right for you
- How to legally utilise your family and kids to pay less tax
- What is the ‘Simplified Tax System’ and why you should use it
- When should you write off obsolete or slow-moving business stock
- How to understand and also better manage ‘Fringe Benefits Tax’
- How and when to utilise the benefits offered via superannuation