149 Steps to Marketing Perfection. What’s your score?

Christmas 2010 Update from Dale…

Well Christmas is well and truly upon us now and it’s time to look back and reflect on the year that’s been. It’s worth while carving out some time before your brain goes to sleep and answer these three simple questions:

  • What were my biggest successes/breakthroughs this year? No matter how big or small, it’s worth while writing them down because one of the things I have discovered is, success breathes success. In other words, whatever you focus on is what you will attract more of.
  • At what times did I loose momentum and focus throughout the year? It’s important to discover what specific things take you away from achievement. In the future, if you can recognise these faster, you won’t let them get to you and slow you down.
  • What are my five top goals for 2011? Make sure you write them down and have them close to you at all times. Try not to have more than five because what will normally happen is it will dilute your focus because often, in the effort to do more, you end up achieving less. For us here at Business Blueprint, 2011 represents a year of exciting growth where we’ll be getting out and meeting lots more business owners right across the country.

Look out for emails early in the new year with details of a new tour that I will be doing. Thank you for your support throughout this year. I wish you and your family a wonderful holiday season. Dale Beaumont